Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Devonian period started 417 million years ago and ended 354 million years ago.

Geologic Time - Devonian period
Devonian Period started 417 million years ago and ended 354 million years ago. This period was the age of fish. During this period there was a sharks, rays, lobe finned fish. First forests formed in this period. Some trees developed up to 38m high. Some rock types were Hunsruck Shale, Rhynie Chert, and the gilboa forest .

Project Reflection
1. what do you enjoy most about this project?
     I enjoy the most about working with my friend
     help a lot to understand about the project .

2. What was most challenging about this project? why?
    The most challenging was about this project is write
    the own words and Finding information because you don't
    know which information is true and which is wrong.

  3. what you change about this project and why?
      I think i would like to change my video. because  the glog
      and video is done but is not look good for me.

   4. what are 3 thing that you learned from this project?
      Three things I learned from this project are Earth has
      a huge history, and Devonian period is one of those
      periods, and it is the age of fish

Monday, November 14, 2011

The stars

1. What is a stars ?
     Stars is the large ball of the hot gas. The heat of the stars is made in the center by nuclear
     fusion . The stars look small because along way aways from the sun. There are lots of different 
     color and sizes of stars.  The star can be cool and dim,cool and bright,hot and dim and hot 
      and bright .They can be blue, red, and yellow,white and orange.

2.Type of the stars:There are 4 type of the stars  Super Giant,Giant,Main Sequenece and  white Dwarf. Super Giant stars are large middle age stars, they have medium temperature.
Also they are bright stars. Giant stars are large middle age stars. they are irregular range stars on  temperature, luminosity and color.

3.The H-R Diagram:The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram, is graphical tool used by astronomers to classify stars based on their luminosity, spectral type, color,temperature, and evolutionary stage.This diagram shows relationships and differences between stars. 

4. Nuclear Fusion: A stars is like a gigantic nuclear fireplace. The nuclear reactions inside a stars change two hydrogen gas and molecules into a helium molecule .


5. The life cycle of a star:  The stars come in many different shapes,size,and color,each of which signifies a different type and life cycle. All stars are born in the same manner-the begin as nebulae, clouds of dust,hydrogen,and helium . These clouds slowly candense as they age,forming small hot areas
of gas called protostars.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Planet Order :1 from the sum.
Distance from the sun: 58 million Km
of Moon: 0.553

Terrestrial OR Jovian

Uranus description: mercury is the planet close to the sun of all the planets.
mercury travels the fastest around the sun.The planet order is that mercury
is the first one. The distance from the sun (km) is 57.9 millions.
The mas is 0.553, the diameter is 4,880 km. The rotation of mercury is of 59 days
and the revolution is of 88 days. Mercury doesn't have moons and is terrestrial.

Interesting facts: mercury orbits the sun at an avevage speed of 48 Km/s.
At this rate, it completes onerevdution every 88 days.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

1. What is a hurricane?
Hurricane is big storm that has heavy wind with lost of rain.

2. What is high tide and what causes it?
The high tide is Spring tide and this cause the tides to be really high and really low.

3. What does saturation mean?
Saturation mean Hurricane gather heart and energy through contact with warm ocean water.

4. What is flooding and why is it dangerous?
Flooding is a lager amount of the water that covers an area that is usually dry. Because Storm surges are very dangerous.


1. What is something that you liked about this Project?
     I like about Hurricane.

2. What was difficult for you on this project?
     This project was difficult for me to study water cycle project.
3. What would you change about your work on this project? 
     This project I would like to change about Water cycle .

4. How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
    This  project Help me to know about science.